Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Fellow Dreamer

I wrote this poem for my mom.  She is my strength and encouragement.  She is also the one that taught me to dream.

My fellow dreamer

My fellow dreamer do not give up hope for there is still a tomorrow within reach.
My fellow dreamer we are given another day one full of hope and promise.
Although reality is the enemy and weakens the imagination, we must look past it and say
"I will dream, I will dream...and you can't take it away."

My fellow dreamer you must not give in to the words that people say
My fellow dreamer keep believing in the claps and cheers in your head
Although others may let you down and not believe so strong, you must look past them and say
"I will dream, I will dream...and you can't take that away."

My fellow dreamer you must not listen to the comments of the realist
My fellow dreamer you must believe that you can reach as far as your imagination
Although the realists may tell you to get out of the clouds, you must look past them and say
"I will dream, I will dream...and you won't take that away."

My fellow dreamer take hold of the all the dreams you hold inside
My fellow dreamer protect all you can and protect the others like yourself
Although other dreamers may begin to doubt their own dreams, I will stand proud with you and say
"I will dream, I will dream...can I dream with you today?"

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