Tuesday, September 17, 2013

1 minute in Time

Have you ever noticed that 1 minute can be a lifetime or the shortest increment of time? Think about it. If you are anticipating something or dreading it..been on hold with customer service? That measly 60 seconds seems to take FOREVER. However if you are enjoying something such as sleep, reading your favorite book, or taking a break from work that 60 seconds seems like 2 seconds. One thing to keep in mind; however, is that no matter what… 1 minute is still 1 minute. It never changes. It doesn’t speed up or slow down because time is constant. What does change is your attitude toward the 1 minute. That’s how life is. It is constant. There are peaks and valleys but that never changes. It might change based on the actual minute it is happening in, but you can guarantee that you will have good times and bad times. Minutes, hours, even weeks of the same thing, but it still moves on. But how you get through this constant of life is the attitude to have towards it. Are you eagerly waiting the next turn or dreading what might come next? Or do you cherish and enjoy each 1 minute inside your life knowing that they seem to go by so quickly. Time is something that is allotted to each and every one of us. It is something that can’t be earned or purchased…It is a gift. Cherish it, enjoy it, live it! What are you doing with your 1 minute?